Well I have finally arrived at my senior year at MIAD. Feels good to be busy again and I am especially excited about my work this year. I recently checked out a Mamiya medium format SLR from school. The size and weight of this camera made it extremely uncomfortable to bike with inside my messenger bag, not to mention it requires a hefty tri-pod. I took a series of portraits outside of my apartment and headed off to bike polo to capture some images with what was left of the wonderful lighting. If all went as planned those images should be up soon, lets just hope I loaded the film correctly. The series above was taken last summer with my Holga, a cheap and simple machine that shoots medium format film. The film was E6 and cross processed for higher contrast and saturation.
man, I hope you're talking about the 645 at least and not something like the RB67... the 7 would be best though... have fun!