Thursday, October 8, 2009

Spring Trip to the Red River Gorge

Well, the time has come, and I am free to drive the station wagon to Kentucky for the annual climbing fest originally deemed "Rocktoberfest." I am especially excited this year because I going down strictly to photograph, and have rallied some awesome climbers to come with me, as well as meeting several more super strong climbers there. I feel the wagon will help make the trip more of adventure for us all, and just today I discovered a rear facing two-person bucket seat that folds out of the trunk, pretty awesome if I can say so myself. The car should help me considerable from the weather too, since I am not bringing a sleeping bag or tent for myself, although this time I have a pillow... I guess I like to look for reasons to improvise and have always wanted to live out of the wagon anyway. What I will be bringing instead is a ton of photo equipment, two Nikon bodies and about 6-7 lenses that should help keep me busy, as well as a bulky tripod and off camera flash. (Much thanks to Dustin Donohoe for letting me borrow some of his lenses, as well as Mike Brown and Lara Ohland for the memory cards, and my cousin Kevin for the lenses he lent me forever ago, which I still use.) I am excited to have so much time to concentrate on climbing photography and am very excited to see what I can capture. I anticipate meeting many great people, and know it will be an all out blast!

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