Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Intern

I've been working with Jessica Kaminski for I think over half a year now, and my intern status has been officially confirmed.  Jessica has been working to update her website as well as streamline and promote her business, which I have also been helping with.  She has moved into a new shared studio space off Water and Chicago downtown, and its all coming together.  She photographed me for the staff bio section of her website, and it was a hoot to break in the new studio.  If was a simple shoot, but I still had to set up lights, not complaining though.  All in all it was a lot of fun, and I think the photos and bio really reflect that. 

"Matt is an aspiring adventure photographer whose work currently focuses on rock climbing, cycling, and life outdoors. He is rumored to be in cahoots with Jessica Kaminski, and can be found assisting, carrying equipment, and running errands. He was last seen biking around Milwaukee transporting an odd assortment of strange looking objects."

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