Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Show Preparation Nearly Complete

The mounting and framing is all done for my work in the 3 Cities show this weekend in Rockford Illinois. I'll have seven prints on display, and the work will include rock climbing images from Utah and Kentucky, as well as ice climbing in The Pit in Wisconsin, and not to mention one image from the distant Future being debuted. This body of work was selected by the two organizers of the show, and I think they've picked a diverse and captivating series of images to put on display. Three photos from the show are pictured below...

The Future

Lowering from The Motherload, Red River Gorge, Kentucky.

Ice Fest 2009, De Pere, Wisconsin.

Beyond being time consuming and expensive, the framing process is always an exciting time for me. It has only been in the last year of my life that I have found any of my images in frames. Last years Thesis Show really helped me prepare my work to be displayed in a professional setting, as well as opening up my mind to a lot of new ideas considering how my work can be best displayed in different environments and locations. My photographs are currently being framed pretty traditionally, which encloses them in either black or white metal frames, with 3-4 inch white matte boarder under glass. I find this straight forward look to be a nice way of presenting and protecting the work, while making them easy to transport from show to show.

Think anyone will notice the tape? Photo: Tom Owens

Everything was going quiet smooth, but I have found there are always unexpected
hang ups, and the day I framed was to be no exception. When transporting the
framing materials from the shop to school where I was putting them together,
I managed to snap one of the panes of glass in half. The sound of snapping glass
was unmistakable, and as I carried everything into school I knew I'd already have
to make a trip back to the frame shop for more supplies. Luckily when I assessed
the damage, I had only snapped one pane out of the five, and it was a clean enough
break that I could tape over it and still mount it all so I'd be ready for installation in
Rockford on time. Luckily there was no big delays on my part, and like they say, the
show must go on. Now I just have to quickly swap the broken pane with the new one
just before the show opens this Friday at 4pm. Hope to see some familiar faces out
in Rockford this weekend, so nobody hesitate to come by and say Hey!

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