One last trip down to the Red River Gorge as the summer and fall wind down and winter begins. This is probably the latest I've traveled to the Red to climb, and I don't think I'd hesitate to take the drive again. The rock was a bit cold at some crags but we occasionally got lucky and were able to follow the sun to several warm crags. This will also be the first major trip of the year where I was in the company of multiple climbers in the same place. The photographer in me tells me to grab the ascender and GriGri, look for the light, and get ready to hang for hours shooting ever angle I can pull myself into. Although this is tempting within itself, the climber in me has a way of coming out in the diminishing fall temperatures. So on the other hand, the climber in me tells me to bundle up, do some jumping jacks, squeeze into my cold shoes, and see if I can hang upside down from my feet mid climb... Although I want to continuously pursue climbing photography without slowing down, I am aware that my enjoyment of the sport directly reflects why I choose to pursue it seriously in the first place. Sometimes I'm an ambitious aspiring adventure photographer, and others I'm just a big kid with a rope attached to him for safety. Some days I can control myself better than others... these are my favorite butt shots from the short trip.

Andy Hansen being lowerd off "Breakfast Burrito" 5.10d
at Drive-By Crag, Red River Gorge, Kentucky.

Andy Hansen en route.
"Breakfast Burrito" 5.10d at Drive-By Crag, Red River Gorge, Kentucky.

Andy Mires on "Tikka Monster" 5.13a
Drive-By Crag, Red River Gorge, Kentucky.

Dave Neill on "Whipstocking" 5.11a
at Drive-By Crag, Red River Gorge, Kentucky.

Yours truly, just trying to blend in on one of my my favorite 11's
"Whipstocking" 5.11a Drive-By Crag, Red River Gorge, Kentucky
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