Monday, March 28, 2011

Return from the Red River Gorge

Andy Hansen on "Hardcore Jollies" 5.12a
Funk Rock City, RRG, Kentucky

I have just returned from a climbing and photographing trip to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. The warming spring temps meant it was time to get climbing, so Andy Hansen and I packed up my station wagon with food and climbing gear and ventured out for a ten day adventure. The trip would be out longest to the Red and we were both very excited to try and tick off many sends, and also photograph some of our favorite lines. The climbing was to include many 5.12 sport climbs such as "Suppress the Rage" 5.12a and "Orange Juice" 5.12c but as well as several 5.11 tradition lines such as "B3" 5.11b and "Synchronicity" 5.11a. We had hopes of climbing harder than we had been able to do previously, and we figured over the ten days we'd have some time to work more diligently on some of the routes. The weather for a majority of the trip was sunny and warm, but eventually the temps cooled and some rain came in for the last couple days. But regardless of dropping temps, the stone was there to be climbing, and we gave it our damnedest.

Walking around barefoot felt like summer. Need I say more?

The Craggin' Wagon in the parking lot of Miguel's.
"Home sweet home" for ten days thanks to some handmade curtains.

Our home was an '89 Buick station wagon, our kitchen was a wobbly picnic table, and our job was to rock climb. Life was good, and the photos and videos reflect this. So as I gather myself and attempt to adjust back to regular life here in Wisconsin I will be editing photos for a more thorough photo post in the near future. I can't wait to share some new Red River Gorge photos, as well as some beer drinkin' hillbilly stories that will leave you askin' "How'd ya git up there ya crazy kid!?"

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