Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Variety and Perpetual Options

Over about a week's time I've continued to work on several different mini projects. I didn't notice when I was working on them individually how drastically different they each are. I guess it just goes to show the wide range of capabilities of photography especially with the new addition of video to most Digital SLR's. At times it seems the possibilities are nearly endless as long as you can keep thinking of new things to try.

"Perpetual Options"

My first project is a continuation of my music and video collaboration I am experimenting with. The idea started as a way to integrate music I enjoy making with video I enjoy making. Simple enough right? The two processes have shown major differences in work flow and the creative process, but I have found the two can meld together very well and have some surprising results. The video above joins two separate audio and video tracks that are both completely unedited. The music was created by me in my basement using a Bass and loop pedal in a one shot recording and the video was recorded with my DSLR at my friend Dave's house while he layered video inputs and channels over one another on his TV. Together the two make a curious and engaging show that I find stimulating for your mind.

Another completely unrelated job was a portrait/beach photo session I had with my friend Kelsey. She was looking to update her modeling portfolio for an upcoming audition and needed some new summer pictures. Although I was strategically looking at the weather to pick the right day and time the temps were still just around 50 degrees and it was windy. I chose to shoot this in the early evening in hopes of catching that "warm" light as the sun is coming down. This turned out to be the right decision and I think the photos reflect that choice. I was also using an on camera flash to help add a little bit of fill light on the subject. A fun shoot with some unique challenges that differ slightly from shooting rock and ice climbers... I think I could get used to the change.

Last but maybe least is a little portrait session I had with myself. This photo shoot was also pretty different from most of my portraits. As an example the last time I wore this suit for a self portrait I had a lamp shade on my head. But the times they are a changin' and I need some specific examples of lighting for a potential one day portrait shoot for a Milwaukee based consulting company. Hopefully they like what they see and I'll get the gig. All in all this week has been a lot of fun. I am sure that this variety is what keeps you most prepared when doing the things you want to pursue even more. Every new shoot provides new opportunities, and I'm sure in this line of work the next one will be completely different. Anyone need some photos?

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