These photos are from a recent excursion to the north woods of Wisconsin. Every summer my family plans a trip to go boating and get away from the grind for a week. This year I decided to drive myself there in my navy blue '89 Buick Century Wagon, a luxurious boat of a vehicle which gets horrible gas milage, but will immediately facilitate any young soul's aspirations for unknown adventure. I didn't really bring much of anything along on with me. The only exception to this was my bicycle and a case which previously held an old Super 8 film projector, which now housed my camera, few clothes, toothbrush, and ticket to freedom conveniently inside.
I kept the windows rolled down in the wagon for the entire four hour drive north, something I seem to do no matter what the weather is like. I think this speaks loudly for my inability to let things pass by without attempting to engage myself with them in the present. I arrived with little hassle, and immediately caught up with family and friends. After the initial excitement of arrival had subsided, I was left to do as I please, and had no schedule to conform too. To be honest I found this to be overwhelming. Who drives four hours north to relax in someone else's house with nothing to do? It was an interesting dilemma. Luckily my family thought ahead and brought copious amounts of beer, which I helped consume. I spent many hours each day biking around the lake, which became pretty banal after several laps, but helped me feel accomplished. It was relatively windy this week, but everyone made the best of it, and we had a day of skiing and I had a great vantage point from the boat and the lighting was great. These are some photos that caught my eye from the trip to the north woods.
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